Your Loyal Carrier

Brown Dog's Blog

Welcome to the Brown Dog Blog

Trucking for Kids Convoy - September 20th 2020

We had a great day raising funds for the kids today and showing the public some of the trucks that are so essential to our communities!

About 25 trucks showed up and helped us come up with over $9,000 for Camp Sunshine and Camp POSTCARD in this year of activities being cancelled. Jack Roussel was again our top fundraiser, responsible for nearly $3,000 worth of donations.

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The coverage from the various law enforcement departments was outstanding. Thanks to their efforts the convoy moved along at a steady and a safe pace and all the intersections were well covered.

Thanks to all who donated funds or sponsored parts of the event and to those who gave of their time to bring a truck and do something good for the kids. The online donation process helped make donations easy, especially for those who couldn't be at the event. Thank you, Pete Mortensen, for setting that up!

Thanks especially to Jim Costa and Jack Roussel for their efforts in organizing and seeing the event through its success. It couldn't happen without them.

And finally, thanks to the folks at Scarborough Downs, as they are going through some major changes to their property, they were still very accommodating.

If you would like to make a contribution please contact me at your convenience.

Denis Litalien

Executive Director

Maine Professional Drivers Association 207-468-7373

Darrell Pardy